De kijk van onze ‘sister city’ Greenville op Kortrijk

Zoals eerder gemeld  gaat  er onder leiding van burgemeester  Vincent Van Quickenborne  in mei een Kortrijkse delegatie op visite naar onze ‘zusterstad’ Greenville (South Carolina, USA).
Het is dus in meerdere opzichten interessant om te zien wat de officiële website van Greenville zoal weet te vertellen over onze stad.
Hierna de letterlijke tekst waarbij we bepaalde eerder verrassende informatie in het vet weergeven.

“Kortrijk, with 279 thousand inhabitants , is a higly-urbanized area located in Flanders, a Dutch-speaking community within the Belgian state.  Because of Kortrijk’s close proximity to Brussels, Paris and London,  Kortrijk plays an enormous role in the transportation of persons and goods throughout Europe by air, rail and water.
Kortrijk also has a rich tourism industry revolving around its many Industrial and archeological sites as well as many museums exploring local and regional culture.
Tourist-recreational developments are situated mainly in the field of local and regional recreation.
The great beauty of Kortrijk’s landscape enhanced by a large network of walking trails, bicycle routes and riding tracks, make it an ideal location to enjoy outdoor recreceation.
Greenville  relationionship with Kortrijk dates back to 1991, and interactions have included student exchange programs trough  Furman Univesty and exchanges between local garden clubs.”